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The concept for this series came from a line in a book describing the sail maker as the man who when a person dies at sea sews the body in their hammock.

The use of a hammock as a last place of rest gave me a very powerful visual image. I fired the Sailmaker series in Anagama or Soda kilns; I wanted the drama of the firing process to be part of the work.

 Abstracted, cocooned people traveling in vessels, the sculptures are about our secrets, the experiences we have within us. The emotional and physical path our lives take.

My series of sculptures “Sailmaker” are large Anagama and soda fired ceramics. They are representations of people going through passages in life

In 2013, the Santa Cruz Arts Commission honored Susana Arias as Artist of the Year. This is a video of her Exhibition at the Museum of Art and History in Santa Cruz, California.
View video.